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Council for Exceptional Children 2022- Executive Functioning Supports in Today’s Classroom


You will spend this session learning about executive functioning, how deficits in this area can affect students, and techniques and tools to help support students. Attention, memory, and organization will be reviewed, and you'll have an opportunity to reflect on the changing need of these in today's classroom. You will make-and-take low tech assistive tools for executive functioning, including visuals, folders, color coding tools and more. High tech tools including Chrome extensions, iOS apps, and websites will be demonstrated. You'll get hands-on and collaborate with colleagues on techniques that work for a variety of student needs.

Learner Outcomes

- Identify four areas of executive functioning and at least one way that each can affect student learning
- Identify three ways that executive functioning supports differ in digital environments than in face-to-face learning
- Describe at least three ways that low tech tools can be used to support executive functioning
- Identifiy at least one high tech tool that can support each of the areas of executive functioning we discussed: memory, organization, time management, and attention


To Learn More About Having Cassie Speak at Your Event, Click Below.

January 16

Council for Exceptional Children 2022- Using Technology to Support Students Who Struggle with Emotions and Behaviors

February 2

Council for Exceptional Children 2022- Using Technology to Support Students Who Struggle with Emotions and Behaviors