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Conference for Assistive Technology and Education (CATE)

Virtual Session

Executive functioning, simply stated, includes the skills needed to get ourselves together to do what we need to do. This session will focus on what executive functioning is and how the demands on executive functioning change throughout a student's school career. This session will address the development of executive functioning skills, common supports available at each age/grade level, and what those supports look like as students transition out of the school system.  Built-in and natural supports will be discussed, and participants will be encouraged to reflect on how the decrease of these supports affect students as they progress through school and as they transition. Participants will learn about both low and high-tech tools that support executive functioning and how these tools may be adjusted or progress throughout a student's experience. The process of feature matching will be discussed as participants learn about multiple tools to support each area of executive functioning deficit, with attention paid to consideration of which tools and strategies may be most impactful for students long-term.

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March 14

Council for Exceptional Children 2024- Executive Functioning Supports in Today’s Classroom